Sunday, August 16, 2015


I woke up that day, and to god I prayed
I start a journey today,
Please be with me, and with me you should stay
But God was busy, and he laughed playfully,
After years you remember, and pray.
But unlike you, I do not forget so go on, work and play.

And with that I entered this hallowed space
And never looked up, at his beauty and grace
For I was consumed in the melee
And everything was lost in the pace.

Then one day I remembered of thee,
so I looked up in sorrow.
He smiled back at me
Dont grapple with misery said he.

So I listened once again to him
he is afterall the power within
and then I realised that my running was futile
He had made my path a circular file

But then he finally let me be
Let me choose what I wanted to see
And showed me he did some great things in glee
it was I who chose to get lost in the melee.


The crowds, the din, the bright lights The food, the brawls the thinning might And strong were we some day in the past But doubts slowly cre...